Information to make the daily life of you and your family more comfortable.
There are many factors to consider when moving to a new state, city, or even neighborhood. If you have a growing family, that information could influence your decision on where to set your roots. Finding the right house can be a challenge, but having quality life essentials nearby is paramount.
What are the things that matter to you?
How do you view the value of your home purchase?
Galveston is home to a wide variety of home styles. The city was established in 1839, so it’s seen everything from classic Victorian Style, Ranch, Bungalow and Craftsman. The island even has an Architectural Salvage Warehouse.
Residential Housing Costs
Home values are not uniform across the country, and in some states, the typical home costs far more than the national average- while in others, homes cost far less. Housing prices are determined by supply and demand as well as what a local resident is willing to pay.

Median Existing Single-Family Home Price
The median price is defined as the price where half of the listed prices are higher, and the other half are lower than it.

Renter Occupied Monthly Housing Median Costs
The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality. The following data is the median cost for a one bedroom rental.
The Galveston health care system is anchored by The University of Texas Medical Branch, a public academic health science center, housing the oldest medical school in the state. It has five schools (Medicine, Nursing, Health Professions, Public and Population Health, and Graduate Biomedical Sciences), three institutes for advanced study, a comprehensive medical library, four on-site hospitals (including an affiliated Shriners Hospital for Children), a network of clinics that provide primary and specialized medical care and numerous research facilities. With over 12,000 employees, The UTMB system has locations throughout East, Southeast, and South Texas.
Visit the Galveston County Health District for detailed information about Public Health, EMS and Animal Services.
Galveston Island is home to two major universities and a growing community college. New expansions and advances have made island a sought-after higher education and research magnet.
Higher Education in Galveston
Texas A&M University Galveston (TAMUG)
1,656 full- and part-time, majority undergraduate headcount
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)
3,940 full- and part-time undergraduate headcount
Galveston College (GC)
3,063 full- and part-time undergraduate headcount
A post-disaster resource for your family.
Living along the gulf coast has many benefits. There’s access to open water activities, year-round favorable weather, the freshest seafood, and amazing sunsets. But the reality is that we also must be mindful of mother nature. Homeowners have many factors to consider when purchasing a home. Preparing for coastal natural disasters and hazards is very important. Knowing how to address the safe recovery of your home is critical in stabilizing your families wellness.
The Texas Homeowner’s Handbook was developed as a project of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Coastal Community Resilience Team. GOMA, a partnership of federal, state, and local organizations, shares a vision for healthy and resilient communities. A key priority of GOMA is to increase the resiliency of coastal communities from natural hazards. One major component of healthy communities is enhancing individual resilience and recognizing that adjustments to day-to-day living are necessary. The handbook is designed to promote individual resilience, thereby creating a fortified community.
Knowing your local, regional and state resources is a great way to be resilient. Here are a few sites to help you make the best plan for your home and family.

Visit the Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Coastal Natural Hazards to learn more and explore the resources available to you.