

Help make an impact in our community.

Donate To Build Galveston

We are working to build a better Galveston for the people of Galveston with the help of everyone. Your contributions, no matter what size, are appreciated and will go toward our efforts for attainable workforce housing and improvements for current residents.

Donate here or contact us if you would like to discuss other contribution options. Thank you.

Your contribution helps build pathways for attainable workforce housing. By supporting our efforts, you can directly impact communities throughout Galveston. We want to see the healthy, continual growth for the island. It’s your home, our community and the foundation for the future.

Our commitment lies in fostering an inclusive community where our workforce has access to attainable housing choices.

Building a legacy through generosity

You should be able to live in the city that you work in. We strive to generate opportunities for the rejuvenation of underserved neighborhoods. Stand with us as we work towards enhancing Galveston today. Each contribution matters. Thank you for your time and support.

Land Donations

Please contact our office if you are interested in donating land for the development of workforce housing. In addition, if you want to learn more about bequeathing property or funds, we are happy to discuss those options with you.